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From Shadows to Canvases: A Tale of Love, Loss, and Redemption

Sitting on the bench in the garden, engrossed in his mobile phone. Suddenly, he came across a particular picture that captivated his attention, causing him to gaze at it intently.

In a village, there lived a girl named Asma. She was an intelligent and talented girl with hazel grey eyes and of average height. Her family was both rich and famous, owning a vast expanse of fertile land nestled in a valley surrounded by beautiful mountains and lakes. She enjoyed every day of her life, spending time with her peers. However, one fateful day, her life took a dramatic turn. During the monsoon season, a devastating flood swept through the area, taking everything they owned with it. The once-fertile land turned barren. To make things worse, her father passed away from a heart attack, leaving his three daughters and a wife. Overwhelmed by these losses, they had no choice but to leave their village for the city, as they had nothing left. Asma, being a skillful young girl, embarked on a journey to find ways to earn for her family in their new city life.


Upon arriving in the city, Asma started to find ways to support her family. As she walked along the bustling streets, she spotted a man selling his paintings on the side of the road. An idea struck her, and she approached the artist, kindly asking if he could lend her some pencils and a canvas. With the materials in hand, she set to work, diligently sketching the scene in front of her. Upon completing the sketch, she was astonished by her own talent – she had created the exact same scene which was in front of her. Excited and eager to share her creation, she showed it to the man who had lent her the supplies. He was impressed by her art work. Feeling a newfound sense of confidence, Asma decided to join the artist and sat beside him, offering her artwork to passersby in exchange for some much-needed money. A kind-hearted man soon approached and, appreciating the value of her painting, handed her 500 rupees. Asma’s heart swelled with happiness, knowing that she had managed to earn something.


She began creating sketches of various objects, gradually improving her skills until she could masterfully capture human faces and living objects. Asma established a small studio within her home, providing her with a dedicated space to refine her artistic abilities. Her next aspiration was to venture into the world of painting. She diligently learned the intricacies of canvas and paint, ultimately achieving the ability to create unique and remarkable works of art. Soon, Asma rose to become one of the most renowned painters in the world. Her artistry allowed her to travel the globe, where she received prestigious awards and accolades. Her paintings gained immense popularity, and she became a best-selling artist worldwide. Asma’s artwork possessed a unique ability to convey powerful messages to the world, blending an absolute sense of beauty with abstract art. Her creations not only enriched the world of art but also resonated deeply with those who admired her work. Through the sale of her paintings, she achieved significant wealth and success.


Eventually, they were able to move to a better place, settling into a spacious bungalow, which was situated near the seaside, allowing them to gaze upon the mesmerizing dancing waves. One evening, Asma made the decision to sketch outside in the bright sunlight on the beach. She gathered her canvas, easels, and paint brushes, determined to create outside. She had no idea that Paras was sitting on the sand with his hat pulled over his face, seemingly to hide from someone or something. He observed Asma from a distance, unnoticed as she went about her business. With the gentle sea breeze caressing her, Asma arranged her art supplies by the water’s edge and began to capture the scene before her. The wind playfully tousled her hair, causing strands to fall onto her face.


She made several attempts to tuck them behind her ear, but they stubbornly refused to stay put. Her focus on her work made her somewhat careless, and her hair ended up getting smudged with paint in a few places. Her dedication to her art was so intense that she even unintentionally smeared paint on her own face. In that moment, he found himself utterly enchanted by her. Her gentle curls danced with the wind, and she didn’t seem to care about what others might think. Asma was wholly absorbed in her work, unaware of the world around her. Paras was watching her with a sense of amusement, couldn’t help himself and chuckled at her carelessness. In that very moment he fell in love with her.

Paras was the kingpin of the mafia world, wielded immense power and influence. Orphaned in his early childhood, he had known the harshness of the world from an early age. His uncle had taken him in, only to betray, by selling him into the underworld. It was Khaled, his foster father, who trained him rigorously, grooming him to be the next leader.


At the tender age of 8, Paras entered this world of darkness, his childhood innocence rapidly fading. As the years passed, his once-innocent eyes transformed into piercing grey orbs, and his once-fragile frame developed into that of a handsome, strong young man. When he turned 18, he seized control of his gang, the infamous “Black Eagle,” shrouded in secrecy. Paras was a master of disguise, concealing his true identity, a chameleon who slipped through the fingers of the law and rival factions.

That evening, while avoiding his foes, Paras saw Asma. Her beauty left an indelible mark on him, but she vanished from his life just as quickly as she appeared. Determined to find her, he assigned the task to his loyal confidant, Saleem, who went on a mission to uncover every detail about Asma’s life. He gathered information about her family moving to the city and her journey to becoming a famous artist, leaving nothing unexplored.


After finding this out, Paras became obsessed with her. He wanted to understand her talent and the world of art. He ordered books on paintings and spent hours studying them. He knew that the only way to know her was through the world of art. He began attending exhibitions to view her work and made it a point to acquire every painting she created. He would spend hours in front of her masterpieces, immersing himself in her art, peering beyond the strokes of the brushes and the color palettes.


One day Paras received an astonishing offer from the renowned drug dealers known as ‘Blue Robbin.’ The deal required him to travel to Paris for a crucial meeting. Without hesitation, he boarded a private jet and set course for the City of Light. While Paras was busy in his meeting, Saleem discreetly entered the office and whispered into his ear. Saleem had uncovered information about an art exhibition in a nearby gallery, and the name that seized Paras’s attention was none other than Asma. She was in Paris for the exhibition.


As soon as the meeting concluded, Paras made his way to the gallery, his heart pounding with anticipation. He was searching for her, until he finally saw her, standing before a captivating artwork – ‘Death of Cleopatra’. The painting depicted Cleopatra’s lifeless form at its center, resting on a sumptuous bed with a golden headboard and rich bedsheets. Asma was wholly absorbed in the artwork. With quiet confidence, Paras approached her, his gaze fixed on the mesmerizing canvas. He remarked, “Death of Cleopatra, the original by Juan Luna, created in 1881”. Startled she looked at him, and for the first time their eyes connected. She couldn’t help but inquire about the stranger beside her. Paras, with genuine admiration in his eyes, revealed his profound interest in art and expressed his deep appreciation for the exquisite masterpiece that she had crafted. It was one of Asma’s own paintings.


He couldn’t help but admire her artistry and expressed his deep admiration for her work. Paras, with genuine enthusiasm, confessed that he was a devoted fan of hers. He decided to take a chance and asked her out to a restaurant near the iconic Eiffel Tower, a place that would offer them the perfect backdrop for discussing paintings and more. To his delight, she agreed. They headed to the renowned restaurant ‘Les Ombres,’ known for its breathtaking view of the Eiffel Tower. As they settled at their table, the Eiffel Tower stood before them, a mesmerizing display of sparkling lights that bathed the city in a romantic glow.


Asma’s beauty was nothing short of enchanting. Her vibrant red dress accentuated her elegance, and her curls cascaded gracefully down her back. Her smile was radiant, and it reached all the way to her eyes. Paras couldn’t help but steal glances at her, captivated by her charm.  In that moment, the beauty of the Eiffel Tower paled in comparison to hers. The soft melodies of romantic music started to play, setting the perfect stage for an enchanting evening.


Couples around them began to stand and make their way to the dance floor, prompting Paras to extend his hand. With some hesitation, she agreed, and they glided across the floor, moving to the rhythm of the music. As they danced, her hair occasionally falling onto her face. With a gentle touch, he tucked the stray locks behind her ear, his fingers tracing a delicate path along her cheeks to her ears. The sensation sent a shiver down her spine, leaving behind a tingling sensation. At that moment she looked into his eyes, she sensed a subtle undertone of sadness, their depth pulling her in as if she were falling into an abyss of emotions.

As the night drew to a close, Paras mustered the courage to ask for her number, which she graciously gave. In a true gesture of gentlemanly manners, he offered her a ride back to her hotel—an offer she accepted. Stepping outside, he signaled to his driver to leave and guided her towards his striking red Porsche. With a courteous gesture, Paras opened the front door for Asma, inviting her to step into the luxurious car.

They started their journey towards Hotel Luna Park, one of the famous hotels in Paris. On their way, Asma attempted to turn on the music just as Paras extended his hand to do the same. In that brief moment, their fingers touched and both felt a kind of spark between them, immediately both withdrew their hands. Upon reaching their destination, Paras gracefully opened the car door for Asma. She stepped out, expressing her gratitude for the ride. As she made her way inside, Paras remained by the car, watching her with a mix of sadness and loneliness in his eyes. The echoes of their brief connection lingered, leaving Paras with a sense of both longing and uncertainty.


Returning to his hotel, Paras held his cell phone, looking at the number, contemplating whether to call Asma. Uncertainty lingered, leading him to decide on reaching out to her in the morning. The next day, amidst the hustle of packing, he inadvertently forgot to make the call. He decided to call her after landing. His private jet faced issues, grounding him, and forcing him to opt for a commercial flight. This proved blessing in disguise for him. In the business class section, he was pleasantly surprised to find Asma. Seizing the opportunity, he approached her, exchanged greetings, and shared his intention to call her after landing.


As they talked, Asma, intrigued by the mystery surrounding Paras, asked about his career. Caught off guard, Paras hesitated for a moment, he couldn’t lie to her neither he could tell her the truth. Ultimately, he opted for a middle ground option, assuring her that he would share details about his business when the time was right. A hint of annoyance crossed her lips, but she nodded in understanding, curiosity still lingering in her eyes.


After landing, Paras extended the offer of a ride to Asma’s home. Hesitant for a moment, she eventually agreed when he mentioned his destination being in the direction of the beach. Midway through the journey, a perplexed expression crossed her face. She questioned how he knew where she lived. Paras, equally tensed, reminded her that she had mentioned it herself. However, she vehemently denied ever disclosing her address. Upon reaching her home, her curiosity intensified, and she pressed him for an explanation. Sighing heavily, Paras reluctantly confessed about the day he first saw her, revealing details that left her feeling uneasy and somewhat threatened. Quickly thanking him for the ride, she went into her home, vowing silently not to contact him again. Little did she know that fate had other plans in store for them.


Next few days went by, Paras attempted to reach out to Asma multiple times, but she remained unresponsive. Despite visiting her home intermittently, she was nowhere to be found. Paras couldn’t locate her anywhere, which made him sad and disappointed. Then, one day he received distressing news about Asma’s mother, Saliha, being unwell and hospitalized. Paras rushed to the hospital in search of Asma. Inquiring about Saliha from the hospital staff, they directed him to her room. Upon entering, he found Asma absent. He saw Saliha was struggling to reach for a glass of water from the bedside table. Without hesitation, he approached and helped her, earning her gratitude. Paras introduced himself as Asma’s friend, recalling their meeting at her Paris exhibition.


As Asma eventually entered the room, she was taken aback to see Paras. Requesting a moment alone, they stepped outside. Asma questioned his presence, and Paras candidly expressed his fondness for her, recounting his attempts to contact her and the hurt of being ignored. Despite his sincerity, she insisted he must not return to the hospital. Disappointed but respecting her wishes, Paras agreed. He asked Saleem to discreetly keep an eye on Asma without her awareness. Saleem, in disguise, shadowed her, providing Paras with subtle updates about her activities.


After Saliha’s discharge from the hospital, Saleem continued to shadow Asma, providing Paras with detailed updates on her activities and the individuals she encountered. Days passed, and one day, Saleem observed Asma meeting a friend who had brought along another person named Pasha. In a twist of fate, Pasha, recognizing Saleem from the corner of his eyes, as the right-hand man of the “Black Eagle” leader, and Saleem identifying Pasha as the second-in-command of their rival gang, the “Blue Swan”. Pasha keenly observed Saleem, realizing that he was tailing Asma relentlessly. Recognizing the potential threat, Saleem promptly relayed this information to Paras, who instructed him to maintain surveillance on Asma without drawing attention.

Pasha was very clever. After spotting Saleem following her that day, Pasha continued to communicate with Asma through his friend. Soon, Pasha and Asma became friends. Saleem shared this news with Paras. Upon hearing this, Paras himself began to follow her, in disguise. One day, he trailed Asma to an art exhibition where she was accompanied by a friend and Pasha. While going toward the stairs, she tripped. Paras, closely observing her, immediately moved to her side and caught her before she could hit the floor. Their eyes met, and she saw the familiar piercing grey orbs.


Asma was shocked and whispered his name. Listening her, he released her and started moving in another direction. Pasha witnessed this scene and, realizing him as Paras, pulled out his gun and aimed at him. He fired, and the gunshot echoed in the art exhibition. Paras turned and saw Pasha holding the gun. The bullet missed Paras by inches and hit a painting. The painting’s glass shattered, causing everyone else to scream and run towards the exit. Amidst the chaos, Paras’s disguise was exposed. He went behind a pillar, brought out his gun, and fired in Pasha’s direction, but Pasha dodged the bullet. Paras tried to locate Asma, who was hiding behind another pillar. Paras gestured for her to run towards the exit, but Asma failed to grasp his signal.


Pasha fired another bullet in his direction, and he skillfully dodged it. Seizing the opportunity, Asma tried to make a run for the exit. However, as she sprinted, Pasha spotted her and unleashed another bullet in her direction. Time seemed to slow down as Pasha fired at her just as Paras fired his gun in Pasha’s direction. Despite Paras rushing towards Asma to shield her from the incoming danger, fate was unkind. Pasha felt the impact of Paras’s retaliatory shot at the exact moment the bullet struck Asma in the chest.

Asma began to fall, and Paras caught her in his arms before she could meet the unforgiving floor. In that fleeting moment, their eyes locked, and Asma started to close her eyes, tears streamed down Paras’s cheeks, falling onto Asma’s now lifeless face. Blood seeped from her chest, and Paras clutched her firmly, unwilling to let her go. Saleem intervened before the arrival of the police, pleading with Paras to leave her. Despite Saleem’s request, Paras cradled Asma and carried her to his waiting car.


During their departure, a cry reached Paras’s ears. He gestured to Saleem to attend to the sound, and with Asma in his arms, he left. For Paras, the world crumbled around him. Flashbacks flooded his mind, recalling the deaths of his parents and his foster father. Now, Asma lay dead in his arms, and he grappled with the overwhelming pain of loss.

Saleem joined them in the car, cradling a crying baby girl. He somberly informed Paras that the baby’s mother had tragically succumbed to a stray bullet during the earlier chaos. Paras acknowledged the heartbreaking news and, with a heavy heart, instructed the driver to take them to a safe location outside the city. After arriving at their farmhouse, Paras started to dig grave in the backyard. The moon cast a soft glow on the scene, and the night was eerily calm despite the recent chaos that had unfolded in the art exhibition. The sound of the shovel against the earth echoed through the stillness as Paras worked in silence. Although Saleem offered assistance, Paras declined, insisting on handling it himself.


With solemn determination, Paras cradled Asma one final time, gently laying her to rest in the peaceful solitude of the farmhouse’s backyard. As he gazed at the freshly dug grave, tears welled in his eyes, and memories of the first time he saw her at the beach flooded his mind. The weight of sorrow pressed heavily on his chest, and tears streamed down his cheeks, falling silently onto the grave. Each drop seemed to carry a piece of the love he held for Asma, marking the end of a chapter and the beginning of an uncertain future without her.

The cries of the baby resonated, instantly alerting Paras. Saleem attempted to soothe the baby girl, but was not successful. Paras, took the baby, as he cradled the infant in his arms, the baby stopped crying. Gazing into her eyes, he made a life-altering decision. In that moment, Paras committed to leave behind his life in the mafia, envisioning a future where he would establish art exhibitions and raise the baby girl as his own.

Years Later…

He glanced from his phone to the girl playing in front of him. He called out, ‘Asma, come on, let’s go.’ The girl ran towards him, and he held her tiny finger as he stood up from the bench. Together, they began to move towards their home on the beach.


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