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Echoes of the Blue-Eyed: The Unseen Bond of Asparagus

Once, in a peaceful village, a boy named Asparagus lived with his parents. Asparagus had distinctive features: blue eyes, grey hair, and an oval face. His fair complexion and slight build made him easily recognizable. Despite being just 11 years old, Asparagus displayed remarkable intelligence. He possessed a unique talent for painting, creating intricate artworks, and had the extraordinary ability to see in the dark without any difficulty. His talents and intellect made him the subject of admiration among the villagers and his peers.


Teachers and villagers alike recognized his potential for achieving greatness. However, there was a mysterious aura surrounding Asparagus’s intelligence. The mystery dated back to his mother Aleca’s pregnancy with Asparagus. During those months, Aleca often found herself wandering alone in an abandoned school out of curiosity. It was a dark and dusty night when she was strolling through the echoing corridors that she heard a distant woman’s scream. Fueled by a mix of curiosity and fear, she moved toward the source of the sound.


There, in the dimly lit corridor, Aleca encountered a young woman. Their eyes locked for a brief moment, and to her astonishment, both of them shared the same striking blue eyes. Aleca cautiously approached the distressed lady, hoping to offer help and comfort. The young woman, however, interrupted her attempts to speak and pointed at Aleca’s pregnant belly with a trembling finger. A shiver ran down Aleca’s spine, and before she could react further, she lost consciousness.


After regaining consciousness in her own bedroom, Aleca was filled with confusion. She turned to her husband, inquiring about how she had returned home, her voice shaking as she recounted the strange incident she had experienced. Listening attentively to her story, her husband responded with certainty, stating that she must have had a nightmare since she had been in bed all along. Aleca felt a rush of shock and disbelief at his words, but she did not challenge his explanation.


He assured her that there was no abandoned school in their village, which left her in a state of uncertainty. However, she accepted his reassurance. Nine months later, Aleca gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. He possessed the same striking blue eyes that had always made her family stand out. The villagers marveled at the boy’s beauty and intelligence. As the boy grew, Aleca couldn’t help but notice a peculiar occurrence. When he was just a few months old and playing in the garden, she observed a momentary change in his eyes to a bright red.


As the years passed, the boy, named Asparagus, continued to grow into a remarkable and gifted young man. His extraordinary learning abilities set him apart, and he excelled in every subject and activity, displaying a keen awareness of his surroundings. However, there was always a sense of mystery surrounding his existence and his unique attributes.


On his eighteenth birthday, Asparagus went out to explore the village and stumbled upon an abandoned building that had piqued his curiosity. Without hesitation, he opened the gate and stepped inside, but as he touched it, a sudden gust of chilling wind enveloped him, sending shivers down his spine. Inside, the school building was filled with an otherworldly white light, and amidst it stood a beautiful woman with eyes as blue as his own. She welcomed him with a warm smile and patted him on the shoulder. Yet, just as suddenly, he collapsed to the ground, overwhelmed by the experience. Asparagus awoke in the open, feeling as cold as ice. He was filled with a sense of confusion and disorientation as he made his way back home. In his room, he pondered the strange encounter and the woman’s mesmerizing blue eyes. Exhausted, he drifted into a deep sleep, but his dreams would prove to be even more baffling.


In his dream, the woman with blue eyes reappeared, her smile warm and inviting. As he approached her, her expression changed, and she let out a piercing scream. The sound was unbearable, and Asparagus woke with a start, his heart racing. Sweat covered his body, and he was shaking uncontrollably. Seeking to calm himself, he rushed towards the washbasin, and splashed cold water on his face, but as he gazed at his reflection in the mirror, his blue eyes suddenly changed to a bright red. He saw a woman standing behind him in the mirror, but when he looked back there was no one. As soon as he locked eyes with the mirror image of the woman, his legs trembled, but she nodded at him with a sense of familiarity. In response, he nodded back, and she gestured for him to follow her with a wave of her hand.


With a surreal sensation, he stepped into the mirror as if it were a curtain of water, passing through effortlessly. On the other side, he found himself in a dark and cold passageway, where the woman led him deeper. However, he felt no fear, only a strong sense of belonging that accompanied him through each step. Passing through a wooden door, he emerged into a starkly different realm. The dark valley was devoid of life, with barren trees and a desolate landscape. The sky was obscured, and the air was frigid, but Asparagus felt an uncanny sense of ease in this environment. Following the woman, he arrived at the bank of a river.


As he looked into her eyes, they had transformed into a bright red. He quickly averted his gaze and observed the dark, glassy river that seemed to reflect everything like an inky mirror. In its depths, he saw his own reflection with bright red eyes. The woman, smiling gently, attempted to ruffle his hair, but her hand passed through his head. A sense of sadness crossed her face as her voice resonated from within him. She revealed that she had waited for him in that school corridor for an extensive period of time. After that she told him that he was her son.


She asked him to look into the river, and there he saw their reflections. In the glassy water, he could make out the resemblance between them. She created beautiful circular ripples in the water, and he began to see shapes taking form. He saw the woman living in a school; she could walk through walls and vanish. She appeared to be a Black Fairy. Then, a man arrived at the school. In one of the classrooms, he drew a wide circle and placed a candle in the center. Seating himself in front of it, he began to chant spells. As he recited incantations, the candle’s flame flickered, and a gust of wind washed over his face. In front of him, the woman appeared, and she started to scream.


While screaming, she asked the man what he wanted. He replied, “Leave this place and never return”. She attempted to grab his throat, but she couldn’t cross the circle. She made several futile attempts.


Eventually, he blew enchanted powder in her face, and she felt herself burning. She ran into the corridor, screaming, while he remained seated in his place. Her shouts attracted the attention of a pregnant woman, who was wandering in the school at that time. She approached her. The Black Fairy had an idea; she was pregnant with a boy, and wanted to save her baby from the cruel man; she began to chant incantations. While reciting them, she swapped her baby with the pregnant woman’s. The woman weakened by the process, lost consciousness; after that, the black fairy was consumed by the fire and vanished.


Asparagus looked at her with tears in his eyes, longing to embrace her. However, he couldn’t touch her. She explained that he wouldn’t be able to touch her until she was brought back to life. She told him about a tree in the area that had the power to resurrect dead fairies. Guiding him to the clearing, she revealed a massive tree with a dark trunk and dried leaves in the center.


She pointed to the top of the tree, Asparagus followed her gaze to find a purple flower resting there. She explained that this flower held the key to making her alive again. The potion required could only be crafted by the fairy’s blood relation. To access the recipe inside the tree trunk, he needed to open it by placing the drop of his blood on the bulging part known as the eye.


Upon hearing this, Asparagus scanned his surroundings for something sharp and found a stone sharp edges near some shrubs. He picked it up, made a deep cut on his palm, and let his blood drop onto the trunk’s eye. He waited as a white, bright light filled the area, dispelling the darkness for a few seconds. When the light faded, a small opening appeared in the trunk, revealing a small parchment inside. He took it out, and, to his amazement, found that he could read the symbols, which were written on the parchment. It was the language of the fairy world. He read the instructions for making the potion, which were in the parchment: Ingredients:

  • Frostbloom petals (5)
  • Ice crystals (1 tablespoon)
  • Moonstone powder (1 teaspoon)
  • Wintermint leaves (3)
  • Frozen tears of a snow fairy (3 drops)
  • Icicle essence (1 vial)
  • Purple flower Instructions:


  1. Carefully pluck 5 Frostbloom petals from the flower, being mindful of their delicate nature.
  2. Crush the petals gently using a mortar and pestle to release their essence.
  3. Add 1 tablespoon of ice crystals and 1 teaspoon of moonstone powder to the crushed petals.
  4. Finely chop 3 wintermint leaves and add them to the mixture.
  5. Drip 3 drops of frozen tears of a snow fairy into the potion, stirring clockwise with a silver spoon.
  6. Add 1 vial of icicle essence to the potion and stir gently to combine all the ingredients.
  7. Bottle the potion in a glass vial, sealing it tightly, and finally mix it with the purple flower from the top of the dried tree.


As he read the instructions, Asparagus looked at his mom with a confused expression. She explained that he would find all the ingredients in the forest, and he had to complete this quest because she couldn’t assist him. She instructed him to head north and handed him a twig that would guide his way. She explained that whenever he got lost, he should spin the twig and it would point its tip toward the north, helping him find the path. She then gave him a small diamond-shaped stone and told him that whenever he was in trouble and needed her help he could rotate the stone in his hands, saying the words, “Mom I need your help” with his eyes closed, and she would come to his aid. With these tools in hands, he set off on his quest.


Before moving further, he carefully climbed the tree and plucked the purple flower from the top of the dried tree. He then proceeded along the path to the north, encountering strange trees and plants along the way. These peculiar flora, long and thick, seemed to vibrate as he passed by, reacting to his unique presence.


As he journeyed, he came across a barren hill with a brown, cracked surface. Placing the twig on the ground and spinning it, the twig indicated in the direction of the hill. To continue his quest, he had to climb the hill to reach the top, and then cross to the other side. With determination, he began his ascent. Initially, the climb wasn’t too challenging, but as he progressed, the slope became steeper and more difficult to navigate. However, he refused to give up.


Soon, he encountered a Sphinx blocking his path. It was first time, he had ever seen such a creature with the body of a Lion, the head of a female, and the wings of an eagle. The Sphinx spoke and asked him about his purpose in this area. Asparagus explained that he needed to reach the top of the hill. The sphinx replied that to pass her, he must answer her riddle. If he answered correctly, she would permit him to proceed; if he answered incorrectly, she would devour him, and if he remained silently, he could turn back unharmed. She posed her riddle to him in a low voice.


“I am not alive, but I grow; I don’t have lungs, but I need air; I don’t have a mouth, but I need water to die.

What am I?’’

He started to think and began pacing. He was going through her words, thinking about the answer. He knew he could do it; he just had to think hard. He had only one chance to answer this riddle. He broke it into different pieces and tried to extract the meaning of each part. He thought it must be something that was not alive but could grow. Something that had no lungs but needed oxygen. No mouth but still needed water to die, and the answer clicked in his brain. He spoke loudly to the sphinx and said the answer was “FIRE”. The Sphinx smiled and moved aside, clearing his path. He thanked her and continued along the winding path. At last, he reached the top, and there he saw greenery, with trees full of leaves and fresh grass.


The sun was low on the horizon, covered by dark clouds. It was a very different area from the one he had left behind. Here, he could feel the coldness, but it was a pleasant one. Before him was a lake, and beyond the lake, there was a cave. A boat was tied to a tree. He approached the tree and untied it. He sailed and reached the cave. He tied the boat to the big rock and went to the cave. He stood at the entrance of the cave, which was beautiful and made of black marble. Yet, as he reached the cave’s entrance, a Nymph stood in his way.


The Nymph possessed enchanting beauty, her form flowing gracefully. Her eyes, a soft shade of green, exuded an alluring aura. Her movements flowed as smoothly as a gentle stream. Delicate flowers adorned her hair, and her expressions radiated warmth and kindness. Curious, the Nymph asked why he had come here. He explained his quest to find the ingredients to save his mother, displaying the parchment.  The Nymph smiled brightly. She revealed the presence of Frostbloom flower and ice crystal. Pointing to a softly glowing flower at the cave’s center, emitting a gentle, light purple radiance.


She warned that removing the flower might cause the cave to collapse, emphasizing the importance of replacing it with something to keep the cave’s harmony and vitality. He nodded. Then he requested ice crystals, and she led him deeper into the cave, pointing to the crystals embedded in the wall. Carefully, he extracted one of the crystals, crushing it into a fine powder and packing it into a circular container.


She requested a lock of his hair and handed him a small vial for this purpose. Using a sharp rock, he carefully cut a few strands of his hair and placed them into the vial. He then handed the vial filled with his hair to the Nymph. She, in turn, positioned the vial in the place of the globe and offered the flower to Asparagus. Grateful for her assistance, he expressed his thanks to the Nymph, who responded with a warm smile.


He sailed back and descended, continuing his journey in the direction pointed out by the twig. After a short while, he found himself entering in the dark and dense forest. As he ventured deeper into the woods, he came across a unicorn. However, this unicorn was unlike the vibrant and colorful ones he had read about in stories. It was black and white, with imposing teeth and a twisted black horn.


The unicorn approached Asparagus and inquired about his purpose. Asparagus explained that he was seeking moonstone powder. The unicorn chuckled and stated that to obtain the moonstone powder, he would have to protect the unicorn from a menacing hunter. Asparagus accepted the challenge, and the unicorn revealed that he needed to kill the hunter by striking his heart. Asparagus found a pointed tree branch and set off to locate the hunter. He discovered the hunter sleeping under a tree and stealthily approached him. With a precise strike to the heart, the hunter’s life was extinguished before he could react.


Asparagus returned to the unicorn, reporting the successful slaying of the hunter. Delighted by this, the unicorn presented Asparagus with a vial filled with moonstone powder as a token of gratitude. Asparagus then inquired about the whereabouts of Wintermint leaves and the frozen tears of the snow fairy. The unicorn directed him to the north, where he would find a white forest blanketed in snow. In this wintry realm, he could collect Wintermint leaves. Additionally, he would find a snow fairy statue in an abandoned castle. Legend had it that the snow fairy’s tears were frozen on the statue. Asparagus expressed his gratitude to the unicorn and embarked on his journey to the north to secure these essential ingredients.


As he walked on, he eventually arrived at the gate of a castle. The entire landscape was covered in a pristine layer of snow, and the icy chill was becoming more pronounced. Yet, driven by his determination to save his mother, he pressed on and entered the castle. Passing through the grand double doors, he found himself in a hallway where everything was frozen. He pushed forward, undeterred by the cold. Upon opening the doors to the ballroom, he discovered the centerpiece of his quest: the statue of the snow fairy. Despite being frozen, the snow fairy’s beauty was still evident. Her entire form was as white as ice, except for her eyes, which retained their enchanting color. Asparagus approached the statue and carefully collected the frozen tears from her cheeks, placing them in a jar.


Before leaving the castle, he turned to the snow fairy, smiled in her direction, and offered a silent sign of respect. Though the fairy could not see him, Asparagus honored her with a bow before exiting. On his way out, he noticed vibrant, rich green plants growing in one corner of the castle. A gentle mint fragrance emanated from them. He heard a voice in his mind telling him that these were the Wintermint leaves he sought. Without hesitation, he gathered the leaves and stowed them in his pocket. With these precious ingredients in his possession, he consulted the guiding twig once more to discern his next path. Following its direction, he continued his journey, even though the destination remained a mystery.


At a short distance, he came across a cottage. The exterior of the cottage appeared old and rundown, with a thatched roof, crooked windows, and overgrown vines and weeds. As he approached, he knocked at the door. The door creaked open, revealing an elderly woman standing in the doorway. Her eyes were a deep shade of blue, and her face was lined with wrinkles, with gray hair framing her visage. Curious, she inquired about the boy’s purpose, and Asparagus proceeded to share his entire story. The elderly woman gestured for him to enter and offered him a seat on a weathered chair. The interior of the cottage was cluttered with various objects, from bubbling cauldrons over a hearth to stacks of spell books arranged on shelves. The air was infused with the aroma of incense and potions, creating a mystical atmosphere. The elderly woman smiled warmly, her smile reached her brown eyes the same shape as of Asparagus.


She revealed that he was her grandson. She began to recount the tale of her daughter, a black fairy, and her husband, (a villager) who had conspired to kill her. She disclosed that she possessed the final ingredient required to reunite Asparagus with his mother. Opening a cupboard, she retrieved a vial of Icicle Essence. As she extended her hand for the remaining ingredients, Asparagus handed them over. The elderly woman carefully read the instructions and began mixing the components accordingly. While she worked on the potion, Asparagus stepped outside to inspect the cottage’s exterior. As he exited the cottage, he unexpectedly encountered an extraordinarily beautiful woman with light blue eyes and blonde hair.


She introduced herself as Alecia, the snow fairy princess who had provided him with her frozen tears. She informed Asparagus of her predicament, explaining that she could only be awakened by someone in need of her tears. Furthermore, she divulged that whoever awakened her was destined to marry her, a fate sealed by an ancient witch. She was also the one who had guided Asparagus to find the Wintermint leaves. Returning inside, Asparagus disclosed this information to the elderly witch, who acknowledged the truth of the situation. According to the witch, it was indeed the destiny of both Asparagus and Alecia to be together.


Meanwhile, the potion was ready, and it was presented to Asparagus. Placing the vial on the table, he retrieved the stone and, while whispering and calling for his mother, twisted it between his fingers. In response to his summons, his mother materialized. She caught sight of the elderly witch, and her eyes welled up with tears. Overjoyed and deeply moved, she expressed her heartfelt apologies and profound regret for having left her mother behind. Her mother, with a compassionate smile, graciously dismissed the past, choosing to focus on the present moment and the potion that would reunite them. Asparagus handed the potion to his mother, who drank it. A radiant white light filled the room, and when it faded, his mother stood before him. They embraced tightly, and she expressed her gratitude.


She also greeted Alecia, who received a nod and an embrace. Asparagus asked his mother if she could live with him, and she agreed. She said that she could choose to become invisible and live easily with him in his village. Asparagus brought them back. Upon their return, Asparagus introduced Alecia, to his parents and shared his intention to marry her. His parents agreed, and they all lived happily ever after. From time to time, Asparagus, Alecia and the Black fairy visited the castle, cherishing the moments they could spend there and be themselves, living freely.

The End….


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